BackTrack 5 Release 1


We have a few exciting items to announce in the upcoming month, one of them being BackTrack 5 R1 (Release one) which will be available for download on the 10th of August,2011. This will complete our first 3 month cycle since the last release. With over 100 bug fixes, numerous package updates and the addition of over 30 new tools and scripts –BackTrack 5 R1 will rock. We will have a pre-release event of BackTrack 5 R1 at the BlackHat  / Defcon Conference  a few days earlier.

To our friends at BlackHat who will be printing over six thousand (6000!) BackTrack DVD’s and distributing them during the conference, we thank you!  We hope you all enjoy the upcoming conferences and have a productive and fun time. May the sauce be strong with you.

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